
pyoof.aperture.aperture(x, y, I_coeff, K_coeff, d_z, wavel, illum_func, telgeo)[source]

Aperture distribution, \(\underline{E_\mathrm{a}}(x, y)\). Collection of individual distribution/functions: i.e. illumination function, \(E_\mathrm{a}(x, y)\), blockage distribution, \(B(x, y)\), aperture phase distribution, \(\varphi(x, y)\), and OPD function, \(\delta(x, y;d_z)\). In general, it is a complex quantity, its phase an amplitude are better understood separately. The FT (2-dim) of the aperture represents the (field) radiation pattern, \(F( u, v)\).


Grid value for the \(x\) variable in length units.


Grid value for the \(y\) variable in length units.


List which contains 4 parameters, the illumination amplitude, \(A_{E_\mathrm{a}}\), the illumination taper, \(c_\mathrm{dB}\) and the two coordinate offset, \((x_0, y_0)\). The illumination coefficients must be listed as follows, I_coeff = [i_amp, c_dB, x0, y0].


Constants coefficients, \(K_{n\ell}\), for each of them there is only one Zernike circle polynomial, \(U^\ell_n(\varrho, \varphi)\).


Radial offset, \(d_z\), added to the sub-reflector in length units. This characteristic measurement adds the classical interference pattern to the beam maps, normalized squared (field) radiation pattern, which is an out-of-focus property. It is usually of the order of centimeters.


Wavelength, \(\lambda\), of the observation in length units.


Illumination function, \(E_\mathrm{a}(x, y)\), to be evaluated with the key I_coeff. The illumination functions available are illum_parabolic and illum_gauss.


List that contains the blockage distribution, optical path difference (OPD) function, and the primary radius (float) in meters. The list must have the following order, telego = [block_dist, opd_func, pr].


Grid value that contains general expression for aperture distribution, \(\underline{E_\mathrm{a}}(x, y)\).


The aperture distribution is a collection of distributions/functions, its structure follows,

\[\underline{E_\mathrm{a}}(x, y) = B(x, y)\cdot E_\mathrm{a}(x, y) \cdot \mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} \{\varphi(x, y) + \frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\delta(x,y;d_z)\}}.\]

Where it does represent a complex number, with phase: aperture phase distribution, plus OPD function and amplitude the blockage distribution and illumination function.