
pyoof.simulate_data_pyoof(I_coeff, K_coeff, wavel, d_z, illum_func, telgeo, noise, resolution, box_factor, work_dir=None)[source]

Routine to generate data and test the pyoof package algorithm. It has the default setting for the pyoof FITS file input.


List which contains 4 parameters, the illumination amplitude, \(A_{E_\mathrm{a}}\), the illumination taper, \(c_\mathrm{dB}\) and the two coordinate offset, \((x_0, y_0)\). The illumination coefficients must be listed as follows, I_coeff = [i_amp, c_dB, x0, y0].


Constants coefficients, \(K_{n\ell}\), for each of them there is only one Zernike circle polynomial, \(U^\ell_n(\varrho, \varphi)\).


Wavelength, \(\lambda\), of the observation in length units.


Radial offset \(d_z\), added to the sub-reflector in length units. This characteristic measurement adds the classical interference pattern to the beam maps, normalized squared (field) radiation pattern, which is an out-of-focus property. The radial offset list must be as follows, d_z = [d_z-, 0., d_z+] all of them in length units.


Illumination function, \(E_\mathrm{a}(x, y)\), to be evaluated with the key I_coeff. The illumination functions available are illum_parabolic and illum_gauss.


List that contains the blockage distribution, optical path difference (OPD) function, and the primary radius (float) in lenght units. The list must have the following order, telego = [block_dist, opd_func, pr].


Noise amplitude added to the generated data. The noise comes from a random Gaussian, see normal.


Fast Fourier Transform resolution for a rectangular grid. The input value has to be greater or equal to the telescope resolution and with power of 2 for faster FFT processing. It is recommended a value higher than resolution = 2 ** 8.


Related to the FFT resolution (resolution key), defines the image pixel size level. It depends on the primary radius, pr, of the telescope, e.g. a box_factor = 5 returns x = np.linspace(-5 * pr, 5 * pr, resolution), an array to be used in the FFT2 (fft2).


Default is None, it will store the FITS file in the current directory, for other provide the desired path.


The output fits file is stored in the directory 'data_generated/'. Every time the function is executed a new file will be stored (with increased numbering). The file is ready to use for the pyoof package.


If the known a priori radial offset d_z is different than: [d_z-, 0., d_z+], negative, zero, and positive float.