Source code for pyoof.plot_routines

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Author: Tomas Cassanelli
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from scipy import interpolate
from import ascii
from import get_pkg_data_filename
import os
import yaml
from .aperture import radiation_pattern, phase
from .math_functions import wavevector2degrees, wavevector2radians
from .aux_functions import uv_ratio

__all__ = [
    'plot_beam', 'plot_data', 'plot_phase', 'plot_variance', 'plot_fit_path'

# Plot style added from relative path'data/pyoof.mplstyle'))

[docs]def plot_beam( params, d_z, wavel, illum_func, telgeo, resolution, box_factor, plim_rad, angle, title ): """ Beam maps, :math:`P_\\mathrm{norm}(u, v)`, figure given fixed ``I_coeff`` coefficients and ``K_coeff`` set of coefficients. It is the straight forward result from a least squares minimization (`~pyoof.fit_beam`). There will be three maps, for three radial offsets, :math:`d_z^-`, :math:`0` and :math:`d_z^+` (in meters). Parameters ---------- params : `~numpy.ndarray` Two stacked arrays, the illumination and Zernike circle polynomials coefficients. ``params = np.hstack([I_coeff, K_coeff])``. d_z : `list` Radial offset :math:`d_z`, added to the sub-reflector in meters. This characteristic measurement adds the classical interference pattern to the beam maps, normalized squared (field) radiation pattern, which is an out-of-focus property. The radial offset list must be as follows, ``d_z = [d_z-, 0., d_z+]`` all of them in meters. wavel : `float` Wavelength, :math:`\\lambda`, of the observation in meters. illum_func : `function` Illumination function, :math:`E_\\mathrm{a}(x, y)`, to be evaluated with the key **I_coeff**. The illumination functions available are `~pyoof.aperture.illum_pedestal` and `~pyoof.aperture.illum_gauss`. telgeo : `list` List that contains the blockage distribution, optical path difference (OPD) function, and the primary radius (`float`) in meters. The list must have the following order, ``telego = [block_dist, opd_func, pr]``. resolution : `int` Fast Fourier Transform resolution for a rectangular grid. The input value has to be greater or equal to the telescope resolution and with power of 2 for faster FFT processing. It is recommended a value higher than ``resolution = 2 ** 8``. box_factor : `int` Related to the FFT resolution (**resolution** key), defines the image pixel size level. It depends on the primary radius, ``pr``, of the telescope, e.g. a ``box_factor = 5`` returns ``x = np.linspace(-5 * pr, 5 * pr, resolution)``, an array to be used in the FFT2 (`~numpy.fft.fft2`). plim_rad : `~numpy.ndarray` Contains the maximum values for the :math:`u` and :math:`v` wave-vectors, it can be in degrees or radians depending which one is chosen in **angle** key. The `~numpy.ndarray` must be in the following order, ``plim_rad = np.array([umin, umax, vmin, vmax])``. angle : `str` Angle unit, it can be ``'degrees'`` or ``'radians'``. title : `str` Figure title. Returns ------- fig : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` The three beam maps plotted from the input parameters. Each map with a different offset :math:`d_z` value. From left to right, :math:`d_z^-`, :math:`0` and :math:`d_z^+`. """ I_coeff = params[:4] K_coeff = params[4:] u, v, F = [], [], [] for _d_z in d_z: _u, _v, _F = radiation_pattern( K_coeff=K_coeff, I_coeff=I_coeff, d_z=_d_z, wavel=wavel, illum_func=illum_func, telgeo=telgeo, resolution=resolution, box_factor=box_factor ) u.append(_u) v.append(_v) F.append(_F) u = np.array(u) v = np.array(v) power_pattern = np.abs(F) ** 2 power_norm = np.array( [power_pattern[i] / power_pattern[i].max() for i in range(3)] ) # Limits, they need to be transformed to degrees if plim_rad is None: pr = telgeo[2] # primary reflector radius bw = 1.22 * wavel / (2 * pr) # Beamwidth radians size_in_bw = bw * 8 # Finding central point for shifted maps uu, vv = np.meshgrid(_u, _v) u_offset = uu[power_norm[1] == power_norm[1].max()][0] v_offset = vv[power_norm[1] == power_norm[1].max()][0] u_offset = wavevector2radians(u_offset, wavel) v_offset = wavevector2radians(v_offset, wavel) plim_rad = [ -size_in_bw + u_offset, size_in_bw + u_offset, -size_in_bw + v_offset, size_in_bw + v_offset ] if angle == 'degrees': plim_angle = np.degrees(plim_rad) u_angle = wavevector2degrees(u, wavel) v_angle = wavevector2degrees(v, wavel) if angle == 'radians': plim_angle = plim_rad u_angle = wavevector2radians(u, wavel) v_angle = wavevector2radians(v, wavel) plim_u, plim_v = plim_angle[:2], plim_angle[2:] subtitle = [ '$P_{\\textrm{\\scriptsize{norm}}}(u,v)$ $d_z=' + str(round(d_z[i], 3)) + '$ m' for i in range(3) ] fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=uv_ratio(plim_u, plim_v)) for i in range(3): extent = [ u_angle[i].min(), u_angle[i].max(), v_angle[i].min(), v_angle[i].max() ] im = ax[i].imshow(power_norm[i], extent=extent, vmin=0, vmax=1) ax[i].contour(u_angle[i], v_angle[i], power_norm[i], 10) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[i]) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="3%", pad=0.03) cb = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax) cb.formatter.set_powerlimits((0, 0))'left') cb.update_ticks() ax[i].set_title(subtitle[i]) ax[i].set_ylabel('$v$ ' + angle) ax[i].set_xlabel('$u$ ' + angle) ax[i].set_ylim(*plim_v) ax[i].set_xlim(*plim_u) ax[i].grid('off') fig.suptitle(title) fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_data(u_data, v_data, beam_data, d_z, angle, title, res_mode): """ Real data beam maps, :math:`P^\\mathrm{obs}(x, y)`, figures given given 3 out-of-focus radial offsets, :math:`d_z`. Parameters ---------- u_data : `~numpy.ndarray` :math:`x` axis value for the 3 beam maps in radians. The values have to be flatten, in one dimension, and stacked in the same order as the ``d_z = [d_z-, 0., d_z+]`` values from each beam map. v_data : `~numpy.ndarray` :math:`y` axis value for the 3 beam maps in radians. The values have to be flatten, one dimensional, and stacked in the same order as the ``d_z = [d_z-, 0., d_z+]`` values from each beam map. beam_data : `~numpy.ndarray` Amplitude value for the beam map in mJy. The values have to be flatten, one dimensional, and stacked in the same order as the ``d_z = [d_z-, 0., d_z+]`` values from each beam map. If ``res_mode = False``, the beam map will be normalized. d_z : `list` Radial offset :math:`d_z`, added to the sub-reflector in meters. This characteristic measurement adds the classical interference pattern to the beam maps, normalized squared (field) radiation pattern, which is an out-of-focus property. The radial offset list must be as follows, ``d_z = [d_z-, 0., d_z+]`` all of them in meters. wavel : `float` Wavelength, :math:`\\lambda`, of the observation in meters. angle : `str` Angle unit, it can be ``'degrees'`` or ``'radians'``. title : `str` Figure title. res_mode : `bool` If ``True`` the beam map will not be normalized. This feature is used to compare the residual outputs from the least squares minimization (`~pyoof.fit_beam`). Returns ------- fig : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure from the three observed beam maps. Each map with a different offset :math:`d_z` value. From left to right, :math:`d_z^-`, :math:`0` and :math:`d_z^+`. """ if not res_mode: # Power pattern normalization beam_data = [beam_data[i] / beam_data[i].max() for i in range(3)] # input u and v are in radians uv_title = angle if angle == 'degrees': u_data, v_data = np.degrees(u_data), np.degrees(v_data) vmin = np.min(beam_data) vmax = np.max(beam_data) subtitle = [ '$P_{\\textrm{\\scriptsize{norm}}}^{\\textrm{\\scriptsize{obs}}}' + '(u,v)$ $d_z={}$ m'.format(round(d_z[i], 3)) for i in range(3) ] fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=uv_ratio(u_data[0], v_data[0])) for i in range(3): # new grid for beam_data u_ng = np.linspace(u_data[i].min(), u_data[i].max(), 300) v_ng = np.linspace(v_data[i].min(), v_data[i].max(), 300) beam_ng = interpolate.griddata( # coordinates of grid points to interpolate from. points=(u_data[i], v_data[i]), values=beam_data[i], # coordinates of grid points to interpolate to. xi=tuple(np.meshgrid(u_ng, v_ng)), method='cubic' ) extent = [u_ng.min(), u_ng.max(), v_ng.min(), v_ng.max()] im = ax[i].imshow(beam_ng, extent=extent, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ax[i].contour(u_ng, v_ng, beam_ng, 10) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[i]) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="3%", pad=0.03) cb = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax) cb.formatter.set_powerlimits((0, 0))'left') cb.update_ticks() ax[i].set_ylabel('$v$ ' + uv_title) ax[i].set_xlabel('$u$ ' + uv_title) ax[i].set_title(subtitle[i]) ax[i].grid('off') fig.suptitle(title) fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_phase(K_coeff, notilt, pr, title): """ Aperture phase distribution (phase error), :math:`\\varphi(x, y)`, figure, given the Zernike circle polynomial coefficients, ``K_coeff``, solution from the least squares minimization. Parameters ---------- K_coeff : `~numpy.ndarray` Constants coefficients, :math:`K_{n\\ell}`, for each of them there is only one Zernike circle polynomial, :math:`U^\ell_n(\\varrho, \\varphi)`. The coefficients are between :math:`[-2, 2]`. notilt : `bool` Boolean to include or exclude the tilt coefficients in the aperture phase distribution. The Zernike circle polynomials are related to tilt through :math:`U^{-1}_1(\\varrho, \\varphi)` and :math:`U^1_1(\\varrho, \\varphi)`. pr : `float` Primary reflector radius in meters. title : `str` Figure title. Returns ------- fig : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` Aperture phase distribution parametrized in terms of the Zernike circle polynomials, and represented for the telescope's primary dish. """ if notilt: cbartitle = ( '$\\varphi_{\\scriptsize{\\textrm{no-tilt}}}(x,y)$ amplitude rad' ) else: cbartitle = '$\\varphi(x, y)$ amplitude rad' extent = [-pr, pr, -pr, pr] _x, _y, _phase = phase(K_coeff=K_coeff, notilt=notilt, pr=pr) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 5.8)) levels = np.linspace(-2, 2, 9) im = ax.imshow(_phase, extent=extent) ax.contour(_x, _y, _phase, levels=levels, colors='k', alpha=0.3) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="3%", pad=0.03) cb = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_ylabel('$y$ m') ax.set_xlabel('$x$ m') ax.grid('off') fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_variance(matrix, order, diag, cbtitle, title): """ Variance-Covariance matrix or Correlation matrix figure. It returns the triangle figure with a color amplitude value for each element. Used to check/compare the correlation between the fitted parameters in a least squares minimization. Parameters ---------- matrix : `~numpy.ndarray` Two dimensional array containing the Variance-Covariance or Correlation function. Output from the fit procedure. order : `int` Order used for the Zernike circle polynomial, :math:`n`. diag : `bool` If `True` it will plot the matrix diagonal. cbtitle : `str` Color bar title. title : `str` Figure title. Returns ------- fig : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` Triangle figure representing Variance-Covariance or Correlation matrix. """ n = order N_K_coeff = (n + 1) * (n + 2) // 2 ln = [(j, i) for i in range(0, n + 1) for j in range(-i, i + 1, 2)] L = np.array(ln)[:, 0] N = np.array(ln)[:, 1] params_names = [ '$A_{E_\mathrm{a}}$', '$\mathrm{taper}_\mathrm{dB}$', '$x_0$', '$y_0$' ] for i in range(N_K_coeff): params_names.append('$K_{' + str(N[i]) + '\,' + str(L[i]) + '}$') params_names = np.array(params_names) params_used = [int(i) for i in matrix[:1][0]] _matrix = matrix[1:] x_ticks, y_ticks = _matrix.shape extent = [0, x_ticks, 0, y_ticks] if diag: k = -1 # idx represents the ignored elements labels_x = params_names[params_used] labels_y = labels_x[::-1] else: k = 0 # idx represents the ignored elements labels_x = params_names[params_used][:-1] labels_y = labels_x[::-1][:-1] # selecting half covariance mask = np.tri(_matrix.shape[0], k=k) matrix_mask =, mask=mask).T # mask out the lower triangle fig, ax = plt.subplots() # get rid of the frame for spine in plt.gca().spines.values(): spine.set_visible(False) im = ax.imshow( X=matrix_mask, extent=extent, vmax=_matrix.max(), vmin=_matrix.min(),, interpolation='nearest', origin='upper' ) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="3%", pad=0.03) cb = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax) cb.formatter.set_powerlimits((0, 0))'left') cb.update_ticks() ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(x_ticks) + 0.5) ax.set_xticklabels(labels_x, rotation='vertical') ax.set_yticks(np.arange(y_ticks) + 0.5) ax.set_yticklabels(labels_y) ax.grid('off') fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_fit_path( path_pyoof, order, illum_func, telgeo, resolution, box_factor, angle, plim_rad, save ): """ Plot all important figures after a least squares minimization. Parameters ---------- path_pyoof : `str` Path to the pyoof output, ``'pyoof_out/directory'``. order : `int` Order used for the Zernike circle polynomial, :math:`n`. illum_func : `function` Illumination function, :math:`E_\\mathrm{a}(x, y)`, to be evaluated with the key **I_coeff**. The illumination functions available are `~pyoof.aperture.illum_pedestal` and `~pyoof.aperture.illum_gauss`. telgeo : `list` List that contains the blockage distribution, optical path difference (OPD) function, and the primary radius (`float`) in meters. The list must have the following order, ``telego = [block_dist, opd_func, pr]``. resolution : `int` Fast Fourier Transform resolution for a rectangular grid. The input value has to be greater or equal to the telescope resolution and with power of 2 for faster FFT processing. It is recommended a value higher than ``resolution = 2 ** 8``. box_factor : `int` Related to the FFT resolution (**resolution** key), defines the image pixel size level. It depends on the primary radius, ``pr``, of the telescope, e.g. a ``box_factor = 5`` returns ``x = np.linspace(-5 * pr, 5 * pr, resolution)``, an array to be used in the FFT2 (`~numpy.fft.fft2`). angle : `str` Angle unit, it can be ``'degrees'`` or ``'radians'``. plim_rad : `~numpy.ndarray` Contains the maximum values for the :math:`u` and :math:`v` wave-vectors, it can be in degrees or radians depending which one is chosen in **angle** key. The `~numpy.ndarray` must be in the following order, ``plim_rad = np.array([umin, umax, vmin, vmax])``. save : `bool` If ``True``, it stores all plots in the ``'pyoof_out/directory'`` directory. Returns ------- fig_beam : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` The three beam maps plotted from the input parameters. Each map with a different offset :math:`d_z` value. From left to right, :math:`d_z^-`, :math:`0` and :math:`d_z^+`. fig_phase : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` Aperture phase distribution for the Zernike circle polynomials for the telescope primary dish. fig_res : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure from the three observed beam maps residual. Each map with a different offset :math:`d_z` value. From left to right, :math:`d_z^-`, :math:`0` and :math:`d_z^+`. fig_data : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure from the three observed beam maps. Each map with a different offset :math:`d_z` value. From left to right, :math:`d_z^-`, :math:`0` and :math:`d_z^+`. fig_cov : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` Triangle figure representing Variance-Covariance matrix. fig_corr : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` Triangle figure representing Correlation matrix. """ try: path_pyoof except NameError: print('pyoof directory does not exist: ' + path_pyoof) else: pass if not os.path.exists(path_pyoof + '/plots'): os.makedirs(path_pyoof + '/plots') path_plot = path_pyoof + '/plots' # Info n = order fitpar = + '/fitpar_n' + str(n) + '.csv') K_coeff = np.array(fitpar['parfit'])[4:] with open(path_pyoof + '/pyoof_info.yml', 'r') as inputfile: pyoof_info = yaml.load(inputfile) obs_object = pyoof_info['obs_object'] meanel = round(pyoof_info['meanel'], 2) # Residual res = np.genfromtxt(path_pyoof + '/res_n' + str(n) + '.csv') # Data u_data = np.genfromtxt(path_pyoof + '/u_data.csv') v_data = np.genfromtxt(path_pyoof + '/v_data.csv') beam_data = np.genfromtxt(path_pyoof + '/beam_data.csv') # Covariance and Correlation matrix cov = np.genfromtxt(path_pyoof + '/cov_n' + str(n) + '.csv') corr = np.genfromtxt(path_pyoof + '/corr_n' + str(n) + '.csv') if n == 1: fig_data = plot_data( u_data=u_data, v_data=v_data, beam_data=beam_data, d_z=pyoof_info['d_z'], title='{} observed power pattern $\\alpha={}$ degrees'.format( obs_object, meanel), angle=angle, res_mode=False ) fig_beam = plot_beam( params=np.array(fitpar['parfit']), title='{} fit power pattern $n={}$ $\\alpha={}$ degrees'.format( obs_object, n, meanel), d_z=pyoof_info['d_z'], wavel=pyoof_info['wavel'], illum_func=illum_func, telgeo=telgeo, plim_rad=plim_rad, angle=angle, resolution=resolution, box_factor=box_factor ) fig_phase = plot_phase( K_coeff=K_coeff, title=( '{} phase error $d_z=\\pm {}$ m ' + '$n={}$ $\\alpha={}$ deg' ).format(obs_object, round(pyoof_info['d_z'][2], 3), n, meanel), notilt=True, pr=telgeo[2] ) fig_res = plot_data( u_data=u_data, v_data=v_data, beam_data=res, d_z=pyoof_info['d_z'], title='{} residual $n={}$'.format(obs_object, n), angle=angle, res_mode=True ) fig_cov = plot_variance( matrix=cov, order=n, title='{} variance-covariance matrix $n={}$'.format(obs_object, n), cbtitle='$\sigma_{ij}^2$', diag=True ) fig_corr = plot_variance( matrix=corr, order=n, title='{} correlation matrix $n={}$'.format(obs_object, n), cbtitle='$\\rho_{ij}$', diag=True ) if save: fig_beam.savefig(path_plot + '/fitbeam_n{}.pdf'.format(n)) fig_phase.savefig(path_plot + '/fitphase_n{}.pdf'.format(n)) fig_res.savefig(path_plot + '/residual_n{}.pdf'.format(n)) fig_cov.savefig(path_plot + '/cov_n{}.pdf'.format(n)) fig_corr.savefig(path_plot + '/corr_n{}.pdf'.format(n)) if n == 1: fig_data.savefig(path_plot + '/obsbeam.pdf')