Source code for pyoof.beam_generator

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Author: Tomas Cassanelli
import numpy as np
import os
from scipy.constants import c as light_speed
from import fits
from .aperture import radiation_pattern
from .math_functions import wavevector2radians

__all__ = ['beam_generator']

[docs]def beam_generator( params, wavel, d_z, illum_func, telgeo, noise, resolution, box_factor ): """ Routine to generate data and test the pyoof package algorithm. It has the default setting for the pyoof fits file input. Parameters ---------- params : `~numpy.ndarray` Two stacked arrays, the illumination and Zernike circle polynomials coefficients. ``params = np.hstack([I_coeff, K_coeff])``. wavel : `float` Wavelength, :math:`\\lambda`, in meters. d_z : `list` Radial offset :math:`d_z`, added to the sub-reflector in meters. This characteristic measurement adds the classical interference pattern to the beam maps, normalized squared (field) radiation pattern, which is an out-of-focus property. The radial offset list must be as follows, ``d_z = [d_z-, 0., d_z+]`` all of them in meters. illum_func : `function` Illumination function, :math:`E_\\mathrm{a}(x, y)`, to be evaluated with the key **I_coeff**. The illumination functions available are `~pyoof.aperture.illum_pedestal` and `~pyoof.aperture.illum_gauss`. telgeo : `list` List that contains the blockage distribution, optical path difference (OPD) function, and the primary radius (`float`) in meters. The list must have the following order, ``telego = [block_dist, opd_func, pr]``. noise : `float` Noise amplitude added to the generated data. The noise comes from a random Gaussian, see `~numpy.random.normal`. resolution : `int` Fast Fourier Transform resolution for a rectangular grid. The input value has to be greater or equal to the telescope resolution and with power of 2 for faster FFT processing. It is recommended a value higher than ``resolution = 2 ** 8``. box_factor : `int` Related to the FFT resolution (**resolution** key), defines the image pixel size level. It depends on the primary radius, ``pr``, of the telescope, e.g. a ``box_factor = 5`` returns ``x = np.linspace(-5 * pr, 5 * pr, resolution)``, an array to be used in the FFT2 (`~numpy.fft.fft2`). Returns ------- pyoof_fits : `` The output fits file is stored in the directory ``'data_generated/'``. Every time the function is executed a new file will be stored. The file is ready to use for the `~pyoof` package. """ freq = light_speed / wavel # Hz frequency bw = 1.22 * wavel / (2 * telgeo[2]) # Beamwidth size_in_bw = 8 * bw plim_u = [-size_in_bw, size_in_bw] # radians plim_v = [-size_in_bw, size_in_bw] I_coeff, K_coeff = params[:4], params[4:] # Generating power pattern and spatial frequencies u, v, P = [], [], [] for i in range(3): _u, _v, _radiation = radiation_pattern( K_coeff=K_coeff, I_coeff=I_coeff, d_z=d_z[i], wavel=wavel, illum_func=illum_func, telgeo=telgeo, resolution=resolution, box_factor=box_factor ) _u = wavevector2radians(_u, wavel) # radians _v = wavevector2radians(_v, wavel) uu, vv = np.meshgrid(_u, _v) power_pattern = np.abs(_radiation) ** 2 # trim the power pattern power_pattern[plim_u[0] > uu] = np.nan power_pattern[plim_u[1] < uu] = np.nan power_pattern[plim_v[0] > vv] = np.nan power_pattern[plim_v[1] < vv] = np.nan power_trim_1d = power_pattern[~np.isnan(power_pattern)] size_trim = int(np.sqrt(power_trim_1d.size)) # new size of the box # Box to be trimmed in uu and vv meshed arrays box = [(plim_u[0] < uu) & (plim_u[1] > uu) & (plim_v[0] < vv) & ( plim_v[1] > vv)] # reshaping trimmed arrys power_trim = power_trim_1d.reshape(size_trim, size_trim) u_trim = uu[box].reshape(size_trim, size_trim) v_trim = vv[box].reshape(size_trim, size_trim) u.append(u_trim) v.append(v_trim) P.append(power_trim) # adding noise! if noise == 0: power_noise = np.array(P) else: power_noise = ( np.array(P) + np.random.normal(0., noise, np.array(P).shape) ) power_norm = [power_noise[i] / power_noise[i].max() for i in range(3)] u_to_save = [u[i].flatten() for i in range(3)] v_to_save = [v[i].flatten() for i in range(3)] p_to_save = [power_norm[i].flatten() for i in range(3)] # Writing default fits file for OOF observations table_hdu0 = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([ fits.Column(name='U', format='E', array=u_to_save[0]), fits.Column(name='V', format='E', array=v_to_save[0]), fits.Column(name='BEAM', format='E', array=p_to_save[0]) ]) table_hdu1 = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([ fits.Column(name='U', format='E', array=u_to_save[1]), fits.Column(name='V', format='E', array=v_to_save[1]), fits.Column(name='BEAM', format='E', array=p_to_save[1]) ]) table_hdu2 = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([ fits.Column(name='U', format='E', array=u_to_save[2]), fits.Column(name='V', format='E', array=v_to_save[2]), fits.Column(name='BEAM', format='E', array=p_to_save[2]) ]) table_hdu0.update_ext_name('MINUS OOF') table_hdu1.update_ext_name('ZERO OOF') table_hdu2.update_ext_name('PLUS OOF') # storing data current_path = os.getcwd() if not os.path.exists(current_path + '/data_generated'): os.makedirs(current_path + '/data_generated') for j in ["%03d" % i for i in range(101)]: name_file = current_path + '/data_generated/test{}.fits'.format(j) if not os.path.exists(name_file): prihdr = fits.Header() prihdr['FREQ'] = freq prihdr['WAVEL'] = wavel prihdr['MEANEL'] = 0 prihdr['OBJECT'] = 'test{}'.format(j) prihdr['DATE_OBS'] = 'test{}'.format(j) prihdr['COMMENT'] = 'Generated data pyoof package' prihdr['AUTHOR'] = 'Tomas Cassanelli' prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr) pyoof_fits = fits.HDUList( [prihdu, table_hdu0, table_hdu1, table_hdu2] ) for i in range(3): pyoof_fits[i + 1].header['DZ'] = d_z[i] pyoof_fits.writeto(name_file, clobber=True) break return pyoof_fits