Source code for pyoof.aux_functions

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Author: Tomas Cassanelli
import os
from import fits
import numpy as np
from import ascii
from scipy.constants import c as light_speed
from .aperture import illum_gauss, illum_pedestal

__all__ = [
    'extract_data_pyoof', 'extract_data_effelsberg', 'str2LaTeX',
    'store_data_csv', 'uv_ratio', 'illum_strings', 'store_data_ascii'

[docs]def illum_strings(illum_func): """ It assigns string labels to the illumination function. The `~pyoof` package has two standard illumination functions, `~pyoof.aperture.illum_pedestal` and `~pyoof.aperture.illum_gauss`. Parameters ---------- illum_func : `function` Illumination function, :math:`E_\\mathrm{a}(x, y)`, to be evaluated with ``I_coeff``. The illumination functions available are `~pyoof.aperture.illum_pedestal` and `~pyoof.aperture.illum_gauss`. Returns ------- illum_name : `str` String with the illumination function name. taper_name : `str` String with the illumination function taper. """ # adding illumination function information if illum_func == illum_pedestal: illum_name = 'pedestal' taper_name = 'c_dB' elif illum_func == illum_gauss: illum_name = 'gauss' taper_name = 'sigma_dB' else: illum_name = 'manual' taper_name = 'taper_dB' return illum_name, taper_name
[docs]def extract_data_pyoof(pathfits): """ Extracts data from the `~pyoof` default fits file OOF holography observations, ready to use for the least squares minimization (see `~pyoof.fit_beam`). The fits file has to have the following keys on its PrimaryHDU header: ``'FREQ'``, ``'WAVEL'``, ``'MEANEL'``, ``'OBJECT'`` and ``'DATE_OBS'``. Besides this three BinTableHDU are required for the data itself; ``MINUS OOF``, ``ZERO OOF`` and ``PLUS OOF``. The BinTableHDU header has to have the ``'DZ'`` key which includes the radial offset, :math:`d_z`. Finally the BinTableHDU has the data files ``'U'``, ``'V'`` and ``'BEAM'``, which is the :math:`x`- and :math:`y`-axis position in radians and the ``'BEAM'`` in a flat array, in mJy. Parameters ---------- pathfits : `str` Path to the fits file that contains the three beam maps pre-calibrated, using the correct PrimaryHDU and the three BinTableHDU (``MINUS OOF``, ``ZERO OOF`` and ``PLUS OOF``). Returns ------- data_info : `list` It contains all extra data besides the beam map. The output corresponds to a list, ``[name, pthto, obs_object, obs_date, freq, wavel, d_z, meanel]``. These are, name of the fits file, paht of the fits file, observed object, observation date, frequency, wavelength, radial offset and mean elevation, respectively. data_obs : `list` It contains beam maps and :math:`x`-, and :math:`y`-axis (:math:`uv`-plane in Fourier space) data for the least squares minimization (see `~pyoof.fit_beam`). The list has the following order ``[beam_data, u_data, v_data]``. ``beam_data`` is the three beam observations, minus, zero and plus out-of-focus, in a flat array. ``u_data`` and ``v_data`` are the beam axes in a flat array. """ hdulist = # open fits file, pyoof format # path or directory where the fits file is located pthto = os.path.split(pathfits)[0] # name of the fit file to fit name = os.path.split(pathfits)[1][:-5] if not all( k in hdulist[0].header for k in ['FREQ', 'WAVEL', 'MEANEL', 'OBJECT', 'DATE_OBS'] ): raise TypeError('Not all necessary keys found in FITS header.') freq = hdulist[0].header['FREQ'] wavel = hdulist[0].header['WAVEL'] meanel = hdulist[0].header['MEANEL'] obs_object = hdulist[0].header['OBJECT'] obs_date = hdulist[0].header['DATE_OBS'] beam_data = [hdulist[i].data['BEAM'] for i in range(1, 4)] u_data = [hdulist[i].data['U'] for i in range(1, 4)] v_data = [hdulist[i].data['V'] for i in range(1, 4)] d_z = [hdulist[i].header['DZ'] for i in range(1, 4)] data_file = [name, pthto] data_info = data_file + [obs_object, obs_date, freq, wavel, d_z, meanel] data_obs = [beam_data, u_data, v_data] return data_info, data_obs
[docs]def extract_data_effelsberg(pathfits): """ Extracts data from the Effelsberg OOF holography observations, ready to use for the least squares minimization. This function will only work for the Effelsberg telescope beam maps. Parameters ---------- pathfits : `str` Path to the fits file that contains the three beam maps pre-calibrated, from the Effelsberg telescope. Returns ------- data_info : `list` It contains all extra data besides the beam map. The output corresponds to a list, ``[name, pthto, obs_object, obs_date, freq, wavel, d_z, meanel]``. These are, name of the fits file, paht of the fits file, observed object, observation date, frequency, wavelength, radial offset and mean elevation, respectively. data_obs : `list` It contains beam maps and :math:`x`-, and :math:`y`-axis (:math:`uv`-plane in Fourier space) data for the least squares minimization (see `~pyoof.fit_beam`). The list has the following order ``[beam_data, u_data, v_data]``. ``beam_data`` is the three beam observations, minus, zero and plus out-of-focus, in a flat array. ``u_data`` and ``v_data`` are the beam axes in a flat array. """ # Opening fits file with astropy try: # main fits file with the OOF holography format hdulist = # Observation frequency freq = hdulist[0].header['FREQ'] # Hz wavel = light_speed / freq # Mean elevation meanel = hdulist[0].header['MEANEL'] # Degrees obs_object = hdulist[0].header['OBJECT'] # observed object obs_date = hdulist[0].header['DATE_OBS'] # observation date d_z = [hdulist[i].header['DZ'] for i in range(1, 4)][::-1] beam_data = [hdulist[i].data['fnu'] for i in range(1, 4)][::-1] u_data = [hdulist[i].data['DX'] for i in range(1, 4)][::-1] v_data = [hdulist[i].data['DY'] for i in range(1, 4)][::-1] except FileNotFoundError: print('Fits file does not exists in directory: ' + pathfits) except NameError: print('Fits file does not have the OOF holography format') else: pass # Permuting the position to provide same as main_functions beam_data.insert(1, beam_data.pop(2)) u_data.insert(1, u_data.pop(2)) v_data.insert(1, v_data.pop(2)) d_z.insert(1, d_z.pop(2)) # path or directory where the fits file is located pthto = os.path.split(pathfits)[0] # name of the fit file to fit name = os.path.split(pathfits)[1][:-5] data_info = [name, pthto, obs_object, obs_date, freq, wavel, d_z, meanel] data_obs = [beam_data, u_data, v_data] return data_info, data_obs
[docs]def str2LaTeX(python_string): """ Function that solves the underscore problem in a python string to :math:`\LaTeX` string. Parameters ---------- python_string : `str` String that needs to be changed. Returns ------- LaTeX_string : `str` String with the new underscore symbol. """ string_list = list(python_string) for idx, string in enumerate(string_list): if string_list[idx] == '_': string_list[idx] = '\\_' LaTeX_string = ''.join(string_list) return LaTeX_string
[docs]def store_data_csv(name, name_dir, order, save_to_csv): """ Stores all important information in a csv file after the least squares minimization has finished, `~pyoof.fit_beam`. All data will be stores in the ``pyoof_out/name`` directory, with ``name`` the name of the fits file. Parameters ---------- name : `str` File name of the fits file to be optimized. name_dir : `str` Path to store all the csv files. The files will depend on the order of the Zernike circle polynomial. order : `int` Order used for the Zernike circle polynomial, :math:`n`. save_to_csv : `list` It contains all data that will be stored. The list must have the following order, ``[beam_data, u_data, v_data, res_optim, jac_optim, grad_optim, phase, cov_ptrue, corr_ptrue]``. """ headers = [ 'Normalized beam', 'u vector radians', 'v vector radians', 'Residual', 'Jacobian', 'Gradient', 'Phase primary reflector radians', 'Variance-Covariance matrix (first row fitted parameters idx)', 'Correlation matrix (first row fitted parameters idx)' ] fnames = [ '/beam_data.csv', '/u_data.csv', '/v_data.csv', '/res_n' + str(order) + '.csv', '/jac_n' + str(order) + '.csv', '/grad_n' + str(order) + '.csv', '/phase_n' + str(order) + '.csv', '/cov_n' + str(order) + '.csv', '/corr_n' + str(order) + '.csv' ] if order != 1: headers = headers[3:] fnames = fnames[3:] save_to_csv = save_to_csv[3:] for fname, header, file in zip(fnames, headers, save_to_csv): np.savetxt( fname=name_dir + fname, X=file, header=header + ' ' + name )
[docs]def store_data_ascii( name, name_dir, taper_name, order, params_solution, params_init ): """ Stores in an ascii format the parameters found by the least squares minimization (see `~pyoof.fit_beam`). Parameters ---------- name : `str` File name of the fits file to be optimized. name_dir : `str` Path to store all the csv files. The files will depend on the order of the Zernike circle polynomial. taper_name : `str` Name of the illumination function taper. order : `int` Order used for the Zernike circle polynomial, :math:`n`. params_solution : `~numpy.ndarray` Contains the best fitted parameters, the illumination function coefficients, ``I_coeff`` and the Zernike circle polynomial coefficients, ``K_coeff`` in one array. params_init : `~numpt.ndarray` Contains the initial parameters used in the least squares minimization to start finding the best fitted combination of them. """ n = order N_K_coeff = (n + 1) * (n + 2) // 2 # Making nice table :) ln = [(j, i) for i in range(0, n + 1) for j in range(-i, i + 1, 2)] L = np.array(ln)[:, 0] N = np.array(ln)[:, 1] params_names = ['i_amp', taper_name, 'x_0', 'y_0'] for i in range(N_K_coeff): params_names.append('K({}, {})'.format(N[i], L[i])) # To store fit information and found parameters in ascii file ascii.write( table=[params_names, params_solution, params_init], output=name_dir + '/fitpar_n' + str(n) + '.csv', names=['parname', 'parfit', 'parinit'], comment='Fitted parameters ' + name )
[docs]def uv_ratio(u, v): """ Calculates the aspect ratio for the 3 power pattern plots, plus some corrections for the text on it. Used in the `function` `~pyoof.plot_beam` and `~pyoof.plot_data` Parameters ---------- u : `~numpy.ndarray` Spatial frequencies from the power pattern, usually in degrees. v : `~numpy.ndarray` Spatial frequencies from the power pattern, usually in degrees. Returns ------- plot_width : `float` Width for the power pattern figure. plot_height : `float` Height for the power pattern figure. """ ratio = (v.max() - v.min()) / (3 * (u.max() - u.min())) width = 14 height = width * (ratio) + 0.2 return width, height