

pyoof has the following strict requirements:

For future versions dependencies will be reduced.

Installing pyoof


Currently the package installation is not working without a prior installation of the miniconda distribution (or anaconda distribution). In the mean time please install miniconda and follow the instructions below.

Using pip

To install pyoof with pip, simply run

pip install pyoof


Use the --no-deps flag if you already have dependency packages installed, since otherwise pip will sometimes try to “help” you by upgrading your installation, which may not always be desired.


If you get a PermissionError this means that you do not have the required administrative access to install new packages to your Python installation. In this case you may consider using the --user option to install the package into your home directory. You can read more about how to do this in the pip documentation.

We recommend to use a Python distribution, such as Anaconda.

Do not install pyoof or other third-party packages using sudo unless you are fully aware of the risks.

Installation from source

There are two options, if you want to build pyoof from sources. Either, you install the tar-ball (*.tar.gz file) from PyPI and extract it to the directory of your choice, or, if you always want to stay up-to-date, clone the git repository:

git clone

Then go into the pyoof source directory and run:

python install

Again, consider the --user option or even better use a python distribution such as Anaconda to avoid messing up the system-wide Python installation.


If you are a macOS user using miniconda3, you may encounter the following statement once you run pyoof

>>> import pyoof  # or import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
RuntimeError: Python is not installed as a framework. The Mac OS X
backend ...

This is a known issue that is solved by changing the default matplotlib backend. Searching for the matplotlibrc file and modifying it with backend: TkAgg. To look into the matplotlib dependencies use the following code

>>> import os
>>> import matplotlib
>>> print(os.path.dirname(matplotlib.__file__))

Then open and modify some/path/mpl-data/matplotlibrc.

Testing an installed pyoof

The easiest way to test your installed version of pyoof is running correctly is to use the test() function:

import pyoof

To run the tests for one sub-package, e.g., aperture, only:

import pyoof

The tests should run and print out any failures, which you can report at the pyoof issue tracker.


This way of running the tests may not work if you do it in the pyoof source distribution directory.

If you prefer testing on the command line and usually work with the source code, you can also do

python test

# to run tests from a sub-package
python test -P aperture